For batch cleansing of address data you should pass the initial load through to the Verify method and the exceptions through to the Repair for advanced cleansing. To determine what you should send to the Repair method you should use the Match Type and the Field Changes outputs from the Verify method.

Below are the Match Type outputs. The main ones to look at are:

  • Match Type of  ‘0 – Correct’ it has successfully been able to return a properly formatted, validated address.
  • Match Type of ’18 – Primary Point’ also returns a properly formatted address but be aware that these addresses have only been matched to the building address, not to the Unit / Apartment / Level number (as these are not typically required)
  • Match Type of ’20 – Parser Warning’ usually means that something extra may have been in the address that it doesn’t recognise but the main address has been matched. It is worth considering these also.


Option Value Option Description
0 Correct
1 Postcode couldn’t be matched
2 State couldn’t be matched
3 Locality couldn’t be matched
4 Street Name couldn’t be matched
5 Ambiguous
6 Street Number couldn’t be matched
7 Postal Type couldn’t be matched
8 Postal Number couldn’t be matched
9 Phantom Primary Point
10 Unit Number couldn’t be matched
11 Building Type couldn’t be matched
12 Level Type couldn’t be matched
13 DPID couldn’t be matched
14 Lot Number couldn’t be matched
15 Building Name couldn’t be matched
18 Primary Point
20 Parser Warning

The ’Field Changes’ field will identify any changes that needed to be made to validate the address.

The ones to be aware of here are GID and LID. This means that the address could only be validated to the Street or Locality for that suburb and have been provided with a Group DID. Mostly this is for remote areas where the postie doesn’t deliver to individual houses but getting this result means mail will be delivered to the spot that the locals collect their mail from.

Option Value Option Description
PCD Postcode
LOC Locality
STT State
THN Street name
THT Street type eg. ST, RD
TTS Street type suffix eg. N, S, E, W
TN1 Street Number 1
TN2 Street Number 2
PDT Postal delivery type eg. PO Box
PDP Post Box Number Prefix
PDS Post Box Number Suffix
BOR Matched to alternative locality
ATN Matched to alternative street name
FUT Flat/Unit Type
GID Match that could only be made to the group or street level and issued a group DID
LID Match that could only be made to the locality level and issued a group DID



Therefore my recommendation as to what to pass through to the Repair are as follows:

If the Verify method outputs the following

If MatchType = 0 or MatchType = 18 or Match Type = 20 and

If FieldChanges = ‘Not GID or LID’ Then

Do not pass to the Repair. The address is verified

Else If FieldChanges contains “GID” or FieldChanges contains “LID” Then

‘Pass to the Repair, as the address returned is only verified to a Street or Locality level


‘PASS to the Repair