Batch address cleansing tips

For batch cleansing of address data you should pass the initial load through to the Verify method and the exceptions through to the Repair for advanced cleansing. To determine what you should send to the Repair method you should use the Match Type and the Field...

National Change of Address (NCOA) FAQ

How long is deceased and redirect information kept in the NCOA database? The NCOA database contains 7 years’ worth of data. When people move, what is the most common redirection service chosen? The majority of people apply for a six month redirection service with a...

Address Repair Allocation Flags

As a query record is processed in Kleber Repair and PafLink Address Tune collects flags, representing the type of match. From these flags, scores are derived. These flags are outputted in the Kleber Repair AllocationFlag and PafLink FLA fields. The flags are as...

Address Repair Confidence

The Kleber Repair ConfidenceScore and PafLink CON fields represents the scores, or confidence levels of the address match. It is an output field and contains four comma-separated numbers. These numbers represent score values, with lower numbers being better scores. ...

Concatenation Logic for New Zealand Address Fields

If you would like to spilt your New Zealand Address fields in separated fields please see the below logic. If either [UnitNumber] or [LevelNumber] are not blank then 1st Address line – [UnitType] [UnitNumber] [LevelType] [LevelNumber] 2nd Address line –...

How Email Spam Traps Are Handled

Wondering how email spam traps are handled by the DataTools.Verify.Email.BriteVerify.VerifyEmail method in Kleber? The email verification provider removes Typo Spam Traps (Domains such as,,, etc which make up a large majority of spam...