Correct match to a record in the PAF file.
Postcode couldn’t be matched
The postcode couldn’t be matched because it is either incorrect or does not currently exist in the Postal Addressing File.
State couldn’t be matched
The state couldn’t be matched because it is incorrect.
Locality couldn’t be matched
The suburb couldn’t be matched because it is either spelt incorrectly or it does not currently exist in the Postal Addressing File.
Street Name couldn’t be matched
The street name couldn’t be matched because it is either spelt incorrectly or it does not currently exist in the Postal Addressing File.
This code means that the address could possibly be matched, but to several addresses.
An example might be where a street type is missing, and there are two streets with that name in a locality. For example LANE ST and LANE LANE both exist in Broken Hill.
Another example of ambiguity might be where a locality and postcode don’t match. There are many ways this might happen, the locality might be missing, or badly spelt, or the postcode might be completely wrong.
Where the locality /postcode doesn’t match, an attempt is made to find the street in all possible candidates. Where the street occurs twice, this is regarded as ambiguous.
Street Number couldn’t be matched
The street number isn’t valid for this street or does not currently exist in the Postal Addressing File.
Postal Type couldn’t be matched
The postal delivery type couldn’t be found for this suburb / postcode eg. “PO Box”. Postal Number couldn’t be matched
The postal number couldn’t be matched for this delivery type within this suburb / postcode eg PO Box number.
Phantom Primary Point
The address contains the correct street name and number but has missing vital information such as level, suite or unit information. The address could only be matched to the street number and therefore has not been allocated a DPID.
Unit Number couldn’t be matched
The number couldn’t be matched for this street address because it is either invalid or does not currently exist in the Postal Addressing File
Level Type couldn’t be matched
The level type for this street address couldn’t be matched because it is invalid or does not currently exist in the Postal Addressing File.
Lot Number couldn’t be matched
The allotment number couldn’t be found within this suburb / postcode.
Primary Point
This code indicates that a flat, unit or floor (or combination) couldn’t be found, but the street address could. Australia Post calls this the ‘Primary Point’. The address returned is largely from the PAF, but the floor or unit information comes from the input record. Most importantly a DPID is appended to these addresses ensuring that this mail will get to its destination.
Parser Warning
The address may have originally contained errors. Twins has made corrections to the address so it can successfully allocate a DPID to it.