Field name Description
Line1-5 The specific line number of the returned address
Town The Town of the returned address
County The County of the returned address
Postcode The Postcode of the returned address
Country The ISO 3166 Country name for the returned address
Company Returns the full company name where registered
Search Input Search bar where all the address validation magic happens
Building Name Name of the building for the returned address
Building Number Number of the building for the returned address
Sub Building The Flat or Unit number within the building. i.e. Flat 1
Street The Street Name of the returned address
District The locality within the Town or City
County Name The name of the County, Province or State, i.e. California
County Code The code of the County, Province or State, i.e. CA
2-Character ISO Code The ISO 3166 2-character Country Code for the returned address, i.e. GB
3-Character ISO Code The ISO 3166 3-character Country Code for the returned address, i.e. GBR
Formatted Address The FULL address in the correct standardised format