Result codes – what do they mean?
There are two levels of information sent back to allow users to make a better informed decision as to whether the address provided is valid enough for their purposes.
First an address reliability code & description. These tell the user that the data provided is either:
- 10 – Good/Correct/Corrected: Considered a Good (ie validated) address
- 20 – Questionable/Possible/Doubtful: Is a Questionable address – user decides whether to keep.
- 30 – Not Correct/Results not complete enough: Is considered a Bad address.
Second – it can also pass back address adaptation code & description which represent the measure of change regarding the reliability code given above and give provide further insight into the address for the user. The four options are:
- 0 – No Change
- 10 – Very minor adjustment: Such as capitalization or casing for standardization.
- 20 – Substantial change which appears to have had a minor impact on the reliability: Such as correction of spelling or address formatting, and minor address data changes.
- 30 – Substantial change which appears to have had a minor impact on the reliability: In this case it is a more substantial change such as appending of missing address data or change of address elements.
License considerations.
As this solution requires use of the Global Data Consortium’s data – users should read their Terms and Conditions found here.