There are two components to the SOA generation process:
– the certificate which you keep for a minimum of two years, using some detail for the actual lodgement process, and
– an entry in an Audit log.
If you are generating your own certificates then you must maintain the Audit log for at least two years and it has to be provided via email,, to NZ Post whenever a new SOA is produced.

Produce an entry in your SOA log file. The entry will contain the same information as your certificate. You are obliged to keep all log files for a minimum of two years and provide the logs via email to New Zealand Post at as close to the time the SOA has been produced as possible, and prior to any attempt to use the new SOA to lodge Bulk Mail/VolumePost mail with New Zealand Post. You should not at any time attempt to edit your SOA log file(s) in any way.

When sending your ProdLog through to New Zealand Post, please ensure the following:
i. The email subject line must read “SOA PROD LOG AUTOLOAD FILE”.
ii. There must be only one file attached to any given email.
iii. The attached file must meet the current requirements.
iv. It would be highly desirable if the file did not include expired SOA certificates.
v. It would be desirable if the file included only new SOA certificates that have not been sent before
vi. Remove any signature from the email in which the ProdLog is attached as the system New Zealand Post uses to identify the attachment and automatically upload it picks up the email signature and the SOA ProdLog upload fails.