This article was created by Sujoy Majumdar from St Vincent De Paul Society NSW – he explains how he used Kleber Batch to add DPID into their Excel datasheets.

The DPID is the Australia Post, Delivery Point Identifier. This is an 8 digit number that is unique to every address in Australia, generated by validating against Australia Post’s PAF (Postal Address File). Requirement : We have to fetch DPID for a bunch of addresses –Shown in the screenshot below.In the below sheet the DPID column is empty and requires to be filled in an automated way:

Output: We have the DPID entered for the above bunch of addresses –Shown in the screenshot below.It was possible using the tool :

To achieve this we have to send to Kleber a batch of addresses (Due to Excel not being able to do multi threading we are limited to sending up to 50 at a time)

  1. The code below first open the Source Excel sheet
  2. Counts how many are there. Breaks them into batches of 20(in this case)
  3. Reads 20 each and sends 20 to kleber to verify the address and fetch the DPID
  4. the results from kleber is concatenated into a single string
  5. Once all the addresses have been verified the application opens the destination excel sheet and writes the result to it.


using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;

using LinqToExcel;
using LinqToExcel.Attributes;

using TextExcel.KleberServicePostCode;

using Excel=Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;

namespace TextExcel

    //public sealed class OpenFileDialog : FileDialog

    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()


        public static string destinationFile;// = txt_SourceFileLocation.Text.ToString();// @"C:\Kleber\AcquisitionFileUpload.xlsx";
        public static string sourceFile;
        //public static BindingList<Address> AddressList = new BindingList<Address>();
        private static Excel.Workbook MyBook = null;
        private static Excel.Application MyApp = null;
        private static Excel.Worksheet MySheet = null;
        private static int lastRow = 0;
        public string msg_Success = "Job completed succesfully";
        public string msg_Failure = "Job couldnt be completed . Encountered errors";
        public string msg_InProgress = "Job in progress";
        public static ExcelQueryFactory excel;

        int counter = 1;
        string DtResponseXml = null;
        string FinalDtResponseXml = null;
        string DtRequestXml = null;

        public static void InitializeExcel()

                //open the source file
                excel = new ExcelQueryFactory(sourceFile)
                    DatabaseEngine = LinqToExcel.Domain.DatabaseEngine.Ace,
                    TrimSpaces = LinqToExcel.Query.TrimSpacesType.Both,
                    UsePersistentConnection = true,
                    ReadOnly = true

                /// open the destination file
                MyApp = new Excel.Application();
                MyApp.Visible = false;
                MyBook = MyApp.Workbooks.Open(destinationFile);
                MySheet = (Excel.Worksheet)MyBook.Sheets[1]; // Explict cast is not required here
                lastRow = MySheet.Cells.SpecialCells(Excel.XlCellType.xlCellTypeLastCell).Row;

            catch (Exception ex)



        public void useKleber( int lLimit,int uLimit)// This is the metod used for calling the kleber web service

            var address = from p in excel.Worksheet<Address>(0) select p;

                XmlWriterSettings XmlWriterSettings = new XmlWriterSettings();
                XmlWriterSettings.Indent = true;
                XmlWriterSettings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;
                StringBuilder XmlStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                XmlWriter XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(XmlStringBuilder, XmlWriterSettings);


                for (int i = lLimit; i <= uLimit; i++)

                    var add = new Address();
                    add = address.First(h => h.RequestId == i);
                    // Create DtRequest Query XML
                    XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Method", "DataTools.Verify.Address.AuPaf.VerifyAddress");
                    XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("AddressLine1", add.Street1);
                    XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("AddressLine2", add.Street2);
                    XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("AddressLine3", add.Street3);
                    XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("AddressLine4", "");
                    XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("AddressLine5", "");
                    XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("AddressLine6", "");
                    XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Locality", add.City);
                    XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("State", add.State);
                    XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Postcode", add.Postcode);
                    XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("RequestId", add.RequestId.ToString());
                    XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("RequestKey", "RK-*****-*****-*****-*****-*****-*****"); // Insert your Request Key
                    XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("DepartmentCode", "");

                DtRequestXml = XmlStringBuilder.ToString();

                //Send DtRequest to Kleber Server for processing
                DtKleberServiceClient KleberServer = new DtKleberServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IDtKleberService");
                DtResponseXml = KleberServer.ProcessXmlRequest(DtRequestXml);
                FinalDtResponseXml = FinalDtResponseXml + DtResponseXml;


        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //useKleber(1, 200);
            lbl_Result.Text = msg_InProgress;
            var excel = new ExcelQueryFactory(sourceFile)
                DatabaseEngine = LinqToExcel.Domain.DatabaseEngine.Ace,
                TrimSpaces = LinqToExcel.Query.TrimSpacesType.Both,
                UsePersistentConnection = true,
                ReadOnly = true
            var address = from p in excel.Worksheet<Address>(0) select p;
            int combi = 0;
            int lowerLimit = 1;
            int CountOfRecords = address.Count();//get count of records in excell sheet

            //the records require to be divide by 50 - as Kleber can process only 50 records at a time.
            int remainder = CountOfRecords % 20;

            int quotient = CountOfRecords / 20;

            catch (Exception ex)
                lbl_Result.Text = msg_Failure;

            if (quotient > 0) //the quotitent is more than 1 -meaning the number of cycles loop
                for (int j = 1; j <= quotient; j++)
                    useKleber(counter, (counter + 19));
                    counter = counter + 20;

                if (remainder > 0)
                    useKleber(((quotient * 20) + 1), ((quotient * 20) + remainder));


                useKleber(1, remainder);

            FinalDtResponseXml = "<EmbeddedByVinnies>" + FinalDtResponseXml + "</EmbeddedByVinnies>";

            StringBuilder XmlResponseStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            int ResultCounter = 0;
            string responseFetchedReqId = null;
            string responseFetchedValue = null;
            string resultFetchedName = null;
            string resultFetchedValue = null;

            int position = 1;

                    XmlReader XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(FinalDtResponseXml));
                while (XmlReader.Read())
                    lastRow += 1;
                    if (XmlReader.IsStartElement())
                        switch (XmlReader.Name)
                            case "DtResponse":
                                //Console.WriteLine("DT RESPONSE");
                                if (XmlReader.HasAttributes)
                                    position = 1;
                                    while (XmlReader.MoveToNextAttribute())
                                        switch (XmlReader.Name)
                                            case "RequestId":
                                                responseFetchedReqId = XmlReader.Value;

                            case "Result":
                                //Console.WriteLine("RESULT " + ResultCounter);
                                position = Convert.ToInt32(responseFetchedReqId); position++;
                                if (XmlReader.HasAttributes)
                                    //position = 1 ;
                                    while (XmlReader.MoveToNextAttribute())

                                        switch (XmlReader.Name)
                                            case "AddressLine":

                                                resultFetchedName = XmlReader.Name;
                                                resultFetchedValue = XmlReader.Value;

                                                MySheet.Cells[position, 10] = resultFetchedValue;

                                            case "City":

                                                resultFetchedName = XmlReader.Name;
                                                resultFetchedValue = XmlReader.Value;

                                                MySheet.Cells[position, 13] = resultFetchedValue;

                                            case "Postcode":

                                                resultFetchedName = XmlReader.Name;
                                                resultFetchedValue = XmlReader.Value;

                                                MySheet.Cells[position, 15] = resultFetchedValue;

                                            case "State":

                                                resultFetchedName = XmlReader.Name;
                                                resultFetchedValue = XmlReader.Value;

                                                MySheet.Cells[position, 14] = resultFetchedValue;

                                            case "DPID":

                                                resultFetchedName = XmlReader.Name;
                                                resultFetchedValue = XmlReader.Value;
                                                MySheet.Cells[position, 16] = resultFetchedValue;




                string XMLReaderDump = XmlReader.ToString();

                MyBook.Saved = true;
                lbl_Result.Text = msg_Success;//"Job completed succesfully";
            catch (Exception ex)

                //MyBook.Saved = true;
                lbl_Result.Text = msg_Failure;// "Job couldnt be completed . Encountered errors";



        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private void btn_BrowseDestinationFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();
            int size = -1;
            DialogResult result = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); // Show the dialog.
            if (result == DialogResult.OK) // Test result.
                string file = openFileDialog1.FileName;
                txt_DestinationFileLocation.Text = file;
                destinationFile = file;
                    string text = File.ReadAllText(file);
                    size = text.Length;
                catch (IOException)
                    lbl_Result.Text = msg_Failure;


        private void btn_BrowseSourceFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();
            int size = -1;
            DialogResult result = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); // Show the dialog.
            if (result == DialogResult.OK) // Test result.
                string file = openFileDialog1.FileName;
                txt_SourceFileLocation.Text = file;
                sourceFile = file;
                    string text = File.ReadAllText(file);
                    size = text.Length;
                catch (IOException)
                    lbl_Result.Text = msg_Failure;

        private void label1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private void label1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private void label2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private void tableLayoutPanel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)


    internal class Address

        [ExcelColumn("Street 1")]
        public string Street1 { get; set; }

        [ExcelColumn("Street 2")]
        public string Street2 { get; set; }

        [ExcelColumn("Street 3")]
        public string Street3 { get; set; }

        public string City { get; set; }

        public string State { get; set; }

        public string Postcode { get; set; }

        public int RequestId { get; set; }
