Global Data Coverage

Country Buildings Streets Cities Postalcodes Coordinates Updated Afghanistan 11/10/2017 Åland 11/10/2017 Albania 16/10/2017 Algeria 11/10/2017 American Samoa 29/11/2017 Andorra 5/12/2017 Angola 17/10/2017 Anguilla 11/10/2017 Antigua and Barbuda 11/10/2017 Argentina...

Field Types Available

Field name Description Line1-5 The specific line number of the returned address Town The Town of the returned address County The County of the returned address Postcode The Postcode of the returned address Country The ISO 3166 Country name for the returned address...

Mapping Fields for New Zealand Addresses

When mapping fields for New Zealand Addresses you will need type the following into the ‘Our Fields’ cell: Addressline 1 = {{SubBuildingType} }{{SubBuilding}, }{StreetAddress} Suburb = District (Select from the drop down) City = Town(Select from the drop...